Well, the time has finally come, it is my last day in India... well it's evening now, but today was my last day. It feels very odd, to think I have been here for 5 weeks! it feels like I have been here much longer than that. I am quite ready to leave, but wish I could still travel or stay in London a little longer. But my India funds are just about depleted so can't really do that.
Today was a very successful, well no scratch that, it was about 90% successful. Still waiting on the 10% to make it a complete 100%. Let me explain, since you are probably reading that going "huh??" So I got up, had breakfast, had some tea while having my daily morning chat with Karen. It seems that after breakfast Karen and I end up sitting at the table and chatting for about an hour. I rather enjoy our conversations, as they have totally ranged in topics. Then got ready and headed out to run some errands. I went to Khan Market to go pick up my dress, however..... it was still not ready?! yoooo that so ain't cool!! So I got rather stern with them and they promised it would be ready by tonight, I told them that it was extremely inconvenient for me to have to keep coming all the way over there, spending the money on a rickshaw and then have them say its not ready, when yesterday I was told to come by around noon to get it!! So the guy there said he would drop it off for me tonight around 8-8:30. So they have about an hour to redeem themselves, otherwise I am going to raise hell. I haven't fully figured out how I will do that, but hell will be raised!!!
So, feeling a bit frustrated and annoyed, I left and went to my little bookshop/cafe and had a most delicious lunch; had the veg lucy juice (tomato, carrot, beetroot, ginger and mint) which was not my fav but I ordered it more for the nutritious benefits. Then I also ended up getting watermelon juice, which I didn't mean to order, but since I asked about it to the waiter he must have thought I wanted that too, so I just went with it and glad I did, cuz it was sooooo good!!!!! Then I had a hummus and veggie sandwich on whole wheat bread, again also amazing. During my delicious lunch I was reading the new Elizabeth Gilbert book "Commited" since I finished Eat, Pray, Love the other day. I really do love her, and can't wait to see the movie next weekend when it comes out!!
So after a nice leisurely lunch (I have really come to enjoy having nice quiet reading time while in a cafe having lunch, or tea or whatever... I shall continue this when I get home, although it won't be as cost friendly as it is here) I started to go find a rickshaw, then saw that the henna person at one of the shops I like was there!!! So I got my hand and foot henna'd so I now have the India look for coming back home!!
I then ventured onto the Hyatt Regency Hotel to stock up on some of the Himalayan products. Success number 1! From there I went over to the VLCC spa to get a facial, but then saw the prices and while still very cheap, remembered seeing cheaper prices at the salon/spa in the D block market. So I continued on towards there. Indeed I found myself a much cheaper facial there, and I also tried out the eyebrow threading, which India is known for (instead of eyebrow waxing). It was a very odd experience, and I wish I knew what they were talking about while doing my eyebrows.... I think they were commenting on how sensitive my skin was, since my skin tends to get very red after any type of rough treatment, such as waxing or now threading. I am not entirely sure how they do it, but they did an amazing job!! much better than waxing! and waaaaay cheaper! though most things are here. Anyway, they then did my facial, and my face feels so much better now and looks much better too!!! yay!!!!! I hope it stays this way! So both of those treatments I got for a whopping $15!!! I am really gonna miss these prices.
I then came back to the house and started re-organizing my stuff and packing some more etc... We just had dinner, which Karen made, a yummy "Sweet and Pungent Curry" dish. That is the name of it, it was quite good. So now I am still waiting on my dress, I said they would be here between 8-9 while Karen says anywhere from 9-10... she's probably right.
I was about to write up a conclusion about my trip, however I still have some packing to do, so I figure I'll save that last entry for when I get home, to sum up my trip and thoughts on it all etc...
I take off tomorrow at 1pm here, then land in London at 6pm there (9 hours of air time) then have a 15 hour layover of which I will stay with Betsy again, so I can actually sleep this time!! Then take off on sunday at 1pm London time and land in DC at 5pm.
So I will write again on sunday or monday, all depends on how energized I am to write!
Namaste everyone!
Thanks Erin! You've done a great job of keeping your readers up to date!