Saturday, July 3, 2010

Day at Wimbledon

 Well.... I landed this morning in London (6:30am) and of course was not able to sleep on the plane.... so as the Brits would say "I'm bloody nackard!!"  I went through customs and headed out towards Betsy's house.  I got there looking like a zombie, chatted with Betsy and had a mini tour of the apartment, well had a tour of Chloe's room given of course by little Chloe (who has the most adorable British accent!!) then contemplated as to whether I should take a nap or push on and head over to Wimbledon... I chose the second option, my excitement about going there was just too much to contain.  So I soldiered on and got myself over to Wimbledon!! and oh how exciting it was to be there :-)  I of course had to take part in the traditions, so I had a Pims and got some strawberries and cream (minus the cream) then I strolled over with my drink and fruit and sat down at court #6 which was right next to court #5 where there was a match going on, however since I had gotten there fairly early non of the professionals were playing yet.  None the less, it was an experience of which I thouroughly enjoyed!  I had sat down next to an older lady who had the programme information with all of the matches being played etc... So I asked her who was playing over at court #5, she attempted saying the names but couldn't then said "oh I am so sorry, I think I drank my Pims too fast... is there alcohol in that??" I laughed and said, well yes there is, but it tastes like iced tea so it's easy to drink quickly... it was rather amusing.  Anyway we then struck up a conversation, turns out she is from South Africa and is a nurse (so of course we immediately bonded over that), but has been living in the England for the past five years while she tours around Europe.  She casually said "I think I may be ready to go back home now, I've seen just about everything I've wanted to see... though I may go to South America since I've never been."  Meanwhile I was thinking to myself... uhhh wish I could do that!!! 
  Anyway, as it hit about 1:00pm I began hitting a wall, and decided I should start heading back to the house so I could take a nap.  As I was winding my way back towards the gate I passed by the Tennis Club, where only the players, special people and press are allowed, and I saw Serena!! and her dad, but by the time I got my camera out, on, and ready to shoot she had just about gone inside... so the picture mainly shows her dad and I think maybe a sliver of her hat, but at least I know it's her  hat! hahah 

So, once I got back to the house I attempted to take a nap, it ended up being more like a half sleep nap, but still felt good to lie down, as many of you have said, at some point I will just be so tired of traveling that I'll just want to have arrived and be done with the flying.... you are all indeed right on point with that.  I am so ready to just be there!!! I am also hoping that the stupid food service does not leave out my meal this time!! The flight crew had my order on the list, but somehow it did not make it onto the plane... but I was quite impressed with how they worked with me and managed to find me a meal that was vegetarian and had no dairy.  5 stars to the Virgin Atlantic crew!!!
  So that is all for now, I depart tonight for New Delhi at 10pm so maybe I will try again at the napping. 


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