Sunday, July 25, 2010

Slumdog Millionaire

So last night we watched Slumdog Millionaire... well actually it was more like re-watching it since we'd both already seen it.  But we had wanted to re-watch it now that we both have spent a few weeks living in India and seeing first hand what we had either heard about or seen in movies.  Well.... it was so surreal to watch the movie again only this time it was like watching our day to day lives in India!!! That movie really did portray the real India.  While riding around in the ricks we have street children coming up to us trying to sell us things, or women carrying babies trying to get food or money, really young kids coming up doing the hand to the mouth motion meaning "food".  When we were on the train back from Amritsar, as I told you in an earlier post, we saw two little kids who were just like Jamal and Salim.  The scene where the awful guy comes and takes the kids away to his own little camp where he blinds them and sends them out to be blind singers.... well we thank god didnt see that part in real life, but the scene where he tell the kids to sing for him as he sits and gets fed food, well that exact thing happened at the orphanage... so that part was really creepy.  In any case, after the movie i went to my room and had to read for a bit because I just felt really.... sad I suppose. 
   For those of you reading who think I am really judgmental of my time here, you have to understand that I very much have a love/hate relationship with India.  On one hand there are many things that I do like about India, for example their spirituality, the textiles.... perhaps a few more things too.  But on the other hand there is just a lot that makes me really frustrated, in the sense that I can see exactly what needs to be done to try and fix what seem like such simple problems, but I can't!! For those of you that know me well, you know how much of an organizer and planner I am so perhaps you now may have a little more insight into where my various "judgemental" statements are coming from.  They are not so much judgements but more frustrations at: "ok here is the problem, and there is a very very simple way to fix that problem, which in turn will have a domino effect on other problems and soon, hopefully things will start to turn around and make India a healthier place!!!!"  I talked to Jim about this stuff, and he said "well its the issue of India being such an overpopulated place, there are billions of people crammed together, with a Government that doesn't quite know how to utilize their resources.  Whereas the states realized that they should bring on board an Architect to help with urban planning.... India hasn't done that yet..." well he didn't say it in those exact words but thats the basic gyst of what he said.  But I totally see what he is saying, so man! maybe Amanda could come to India to start helping out!! then Lars could come and work on the water system, I could do the organizing and planning, Anne could work on the vegetable farming, dad you could start working with the builders and teach them to use modern day tools, mom you could help with teaching dyslexics, jaydee could work with anne on the whole vegetable farming... making sure they are safe etc... hannah and amos could work with the kids.... man we could really turn India around!! Meraa pariwaar (my family), helping India!!

   Anyway, I'm not in the best of moods today.... I've been extremely bored the past few days, Raj has been sick so he's been sleeping, while I haven't really had much to do.  I've seen all that I want to see in New Delhi, and believe it or not I have found it rather difficult to find any yoga studios!!! how can that be!? this is India, birth place of yoga!! I have called a few of the volunteer organizations and they are all full with volunteers.  I have a few more people on my list to call, but have to wait till tomorrow since today is sunday and I doubt they will be in their office. 
  That's all for today

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