Monday, July 26, 2010

Lodi Garden

Well, yesterday started out in a bit of a pissy mood after having done nothing at all for the past few days.  So finally I said to myself, ENOUGH!! then promptly hailed a rick and jetted off towards Lodi Garden.  What a treat!! It was like stepping into another world! It was spotlessly clean, "dust bins" aka trash cans everywhere with signs saying "please keep park clean and use bins" as well as signs saying "no spitting, using the bathroom, littering, use of narcotics or alcohol is permitted in park" (or something like that)  meanwhile I thought to myself, see?? so easy to do!! why not just implement the same rules everywhere else!! India could look gorgeous!  The Garden stretched out for miles, trails winding all over the place, green grassy lawns, beautiful flowers, old tombs to walk through, the water areas could have been cleaned a bit as they smelled like stagnant water.  But over all it was so pleasant.  There were families having picnics, playing tag, playing....frisbee?? Lol Jim had just made the comment the previous day when I asked about Lodi Garden that if they had frisbee here, they would be playing frisbee.  Well they do! Then scattered througout the park were couples tucked away in corners canoodling (which surprised me because I had been told that public displays of affection were forbidden here!!) but I as an American thought it was rather cute. 

 It was starting to sprinkle a bit and wearing a white shirt, I did not want to get caught in a monsoon... so I left the Garden and started walking towards Khan Market.  I passed by this gorgeous looking restaurant right next to Lodi Garden, it was called Lodi Garden Restaurant.  You walk in and whoa how cool!! it was very asian looking, with bamboo, rocks, very zen looking.  Outside they had some tables as well as these little cabanas with sheer white cloth draped on them with benches and pillows for couples to sit on and get fed in!!! I took pictures no worries :-)  Then I went inside the restaurant and the ambiance was soooo awesome! I desperately wanted to eat there and relax... but it was definitely one of those places that would have to be like a special occasion... so maybe I'll go right before I leave or something.  I did however order a mango smoothie and sat there a little while and read.  It was very nice to just get away and enjoy some nice quiet time.  After that I continued on towards Khan Market.  On my way there I passed quite a few NGO's but of course, it being Sunday, no one was there.  Boo!! Finally I got to Khan market and just about everything was closed :-(  a few things were still open, so I wandered around window shopping, then started feeling a bit sick, so I hailed another rick and headed home. 


Once I got home.... the evil grimlins of the dreaded "Travelers D" flooded my stomach.... NO FUN!!!!!!!!! Raj had been dealing with this for the past three days and I kept making fun of him for having eaten street food.... karma?? Anyway, I spent the evening doubled over in pain with my stomach cramping while intermittently running to the bathroom.  However, me being a smart girl I took my medication that my Dr. gave me before I left as a "just in case" thing. Thank God!! It's helpful having your physician be from India.  I somehow managed to fall asleep around 9pm, kept waking up throughout the night in pain but over the course of the night, the lovely Cipro worked its magic.  Now, please tell me why boys are such stubborn babies when it comes to them being sick?? Raj apparently had the same medication but waited until last night to take it??? He said he wanted to read up on it before he took it... I'm thinking "dude?! you couldn't have done that like 3 days ago and saved yourself some intense agony??" anyway, I am very glad I did not wait that long to take it, with that kind of pain??! are you kidding me?! ahhh boys.... how they mystify me. 
  So this morning I am so far so good!! I am however, being a smart girl (again) and heading over to the store while I am feeling well enough (just in case!) and stocking up on some coconut water, orange juice, soup and crackers.  Trying to stand long enough to make just plain pasta was quite a struggle, had to keep running to my room to lay down, then run back to make sure to not over cook it. 

   Let's hope I keep feeling good!!!

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