Saturday, July 10, 2010

Laundry day

So today I made the voyage to Vasant Vihar, where Jim lives, to do my laundry.  The taxi cab driver got  a bit lost, but eventually I got here.  I put my load of whites in (and I am thanking god that I decided to separate the two) then that finished and I hung them up to dry under the fan.  Then I put my load of colors in.... well I stupidly forgot that I had my Indian dyed scarf in there, which is yellow.... now ordinarily that would not have mattered since I always wash on cold.  Well... cold and hot waters here apparently don't really matter, while I had the machine on cold, because the water barrells are kept on the roof tops in a black plastic container, the water got quite hot, therefore the machine water was quite hot, so you can see where I am going with this.... so now most of my light colored clothing is dyed an oh so lovely shade of pale yellow, which makes everything look dirty and dingy... I suppose that will in the long run of while I am here play to my favor.  However there is one shirt in there that I am rather annoyed about getting dyed :-(  boooo!!!
  So I am now passing my time by updating here, while waiting for my clothes to air dry. 
Tonight we are all going to go see a Bollywood movie, no idea which one, I suppose we will decide when we get there?  Then tomorrow is the big day, we are going to go see the Taj Mahal!! Quite exciting! Then we will pack up our stuff and head out to our placement projects. 
  I will be living in Faridabad, New Delhi and will be working in an orphanage teaching healthy habits to the kids.  I was originally going to be placed in a hospital, but I really didn't want to do that since I have had that type of internship thing before.  Plus, that just isn't my main point of interest, so I really wouldn't be getting the most out of my time here if I did that.  And! hopefully oh dear god hopefully, the beds at where we will be staying will be far more comfortable then the one's we have been sleeping on this week.  We might as well be sleeping on boards... the mattress's barely provide any cushion, so I literally have bruises on either side of my hips from the beds and I wake up each morning with quite a stiff back. 
  Anyway, aside from all of that, I am very excited to see how this will all turn out, and what the area that we will be living in will be like.  I am also excited to be able to be a bit more free from how we have been this past week.  It kind of feels like we have been stuck in this one little area therefore not really able to see much else.  Perhaps we could have gone and explored a bit more on our non sightseeing days, but it sort of felt as though we couldn't really.  Not really knowing the area very well.  It would have been nice to maybe have a day where we split up into our groups of where we are going to be living, and had a tour guide show us around the area.  So hopefully some of the other volunteers who are going to be in the same area as I will join me in exploring the area a bit, since I am still a bit nervous to venture out on my own. 
  That's all I got for now, Namaste everyone

1 comment:

  1. I am personally glad that you are reluctant to venture out on your own. Groups trips are far superior in an unknown land. But I am glad for your daily excitements, not counting yellow clothes. Love reading your updates! Today, we are in fog.
