Sunday, July 4, 2010

First day in New Delhi

Well folks, I have arrived safely and have experienced my first day in New Delhi.  I am already having such a blast!  It truly does feel like I am living in the movie La Berge Espanole (The Spanish Apartment)... its a foreign film about a guy who is studying abroad and is living in an apartment with people from all over the place.  I arrived this morning with two guys, Sam and Richard from London, then got to the apartment we are staying in where there were two people already there, Alice from Quebec Canada and Catalin (a guy) from Romania.  Then later 2 girls arrived; Lauren from Australia and Megan from New Zealand.  Quite a mix!!
 There are so many different accents going on it's fantastic!! I may come home with a mix of all the accents combined! haha

  So, the drive from the airport was rather adventurous.... the lines that divide the traffic from the different directions seem to be only mere suggestions, people don't run across the street to get to the other side, instead they seem to act as though they were taking a leisurely stroll through the park.  Also, there are cows, donkeys and dogs walking down the street.
 As for the weather... apparently we got here just in time for monsoon season!! so it really isnt that hot, but.... it certainly is quite sticky!!! I just took a shower, and feel as though I never took a shower.  The humidity today was 65% and tomorrow its supposed to be 89%  quite lovely, I know you're all super jealous Lol.
  So after Sam, Richard and I arrived at the apartment and met everyone else, we decided to go explore and get toilet paper and water.  Richard said that he had a rather odd experience at the airport when faced with the non toilet, toilet... aka a hole in the ground, no toilet paper but instead a hose to rinse off.  GROSS! I am very pleased to say I have yet to encounter this, and pray to god that I don't.
  We then found a place to eat, then moved over to a place to have a couple drinks and chit chat.  As we started home, we discovered that evening is when millions of flying ants come out with a vengeance!! I am not kidding around, literally they were covering the ground and swarming through the air.... so, night time is definitely not the best time for a stroll.

  Tomorrow we begin our Hindi language class, and not quite sure what all else is planned.  Some more exploring for sure, just not sure where.  I also am still not fully sure about what I am doing with my programme, Ananta (our program coordinator) also seems to not be fully sure, so I am hoping this gets resolved soon in one way or another.

    That is all for now, I am beyond exhausted and I am hoping that I will be able to finally sleep tonight!!! I basically have not slept since about Friday.


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