Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Prince and Princess for a day.... plus a snake charmer

Today was a panic inducing, educational then relaxing day... you're probably wondering how that is possible.  Well let me elaborate here. 
  Today began with a few of us going down the street to grab a coffee to wake us up.  Since Lolita (our cook) did not make the wonderful homemade chaai (btw.. that is the true spelling of Chai) that she did yesterday.  Anywho, so after 20 minutes of trying to get the correct order of coffee, we headed back towards the house so that we could begin our language lesson.  As we were headed home, we passed a guy who looked as if he was selling something to someone in a car, as we passed we saw that it was a snake he was holding!! I immediate began booking it passed the car, as I DETEST reptiles.  So I then looked behind me to make sure that the others were still behind me, and then I noticed another guy holding a snake and he was quite quickly following us and calling out to us, so we picked up our pace, as did the snake charmer... he continued to follow us saying things to us that we did not understand.  We finally got to our gated community and lost the gross snake charmer.  Let me tell you... snake charmers are sooooo NOT charming.  Still gives me the heeby jeebies.
  We got back to the apartment and then began our fun language lesson!! Today we learned pronouns, adjectives, verbs, food, and then practiced having conversations.  Very cool indeed!! It's quite fun learning a new language.  Perhaps we will even get to use some of it tomorrow when we go into New Delhi to go sightseeing :-)  Oh and it's rather funny the way Hindi is structured, if Hindi were to be translated literally into english it would sound like Yoda speak.  Hindi is structured like this: Subj+Obj+Verb whereas English is structured Subj+Verb+Obj.    So... in Hindi I would say: Mai Erin Hù  which if translated literally into English would be: I Erin am.  I find that amusing at least.
   So after our language lesson we had lunch, hung out for a bit then my new gay boyfriend Richard and I went to the spa to get pampered.  We totally got treated like a Prince and Princess!!! We got manicures and pedicures at the same time... as in we were sitting in the pedicure chair getting our pedicures while another guy worked on our hands! Rather an interesting change that all of the nail people were men.  Anyway, this was by far the most elaborate mani/pedi I have ever had.  We got salt scrubs on hands, arms, legs, and feet, then some type of a honey massage then they did a pressure point therapy on hands and feet.  Then we both got massages, which ended in getting totally stretched out which felt sooo lovely.  Now if I were to get this type of spa treatment in the US it would probably cost something like... $300 or maybe more.  Well, be prepared to be super jealous... all of that cost $68!!!!!!!!  Which is amazing, and makes me so happy, if only I could get $40 one hour massages like that in the states... my back would be so very very happy.
  So needless to say I am now extremely relaxed and feeling like a princess :-)  dinner is being made and smells amazing, and everyone is chatting away or reading or napping.  A rather nice end to a very panicky start to my day. 

   Hope everyone has a lovely day!!
Namaste <3

1 comment:

  1. That's a very amusing image of your being chased down the street by a snake charmer ... I can see you walking very fast ...
