Saturday, July 31, 2010

Eat, Pray, Love

So i've been flying through the book Eat, Pray, Love after just starting it about a week ago... well maybe I started it a few days ago... can't remember.  No wait, yea about a week ago, started it on tuesday.  Anyway, I am totally in love with this book!! Just started the India section yesterday, I so wish I could take a year off and travel like Elizabeth.  I am now totally inspired to do something like that, however I would have to find a way to take my cat with me, because I just don't think that I could leave my little daisy for a whole year!!!
   Does anyone know of a way that I could fund my trip?? any backers?? anyone? anyone?? I truly admire people who can just pick up and take off on these world adventures and not have any cares in the world, they just kind of go with the flow.  Picking up odd jobs here and there to help fund their trips along the way.  Does anyone know how I might acheive this new dream?? to just kind of backpack through?? I think I am way too much of a planner to ever do such a thing.  While yes, to some extent I can certainly just go with the flow, however I also like to have a plan of some sort, to know where I am going, and I far too much enjoy the process of researching places before I go to them to see what all there is around the area and close by to make sure I see all that I can while I am there!! oyy veyy... I think I just answered my own question.... I do not think I can be one of those backpackers who live care free.... what a shame...
   As you can clearly see by the vast difference in tone with this particular entry, nothing of any sort has occurred today.... it rained heavily almost all day long, which wiped out my plan for venturing out and exploring.  Now you might say "its just rain!" however, rain here is much different, when it rains it also quickly floods and the streets become lakes.  There are no drainage systems like we have back home, so the streets quickly become lakes and therefore you could find a canoe of some kind and row through it, but then become stuck when it stops or drive and get stuck.... sooooooo i did nothing all day, and was extremely bored.  I am trying to not finish my book too fast because I am enjoying reading it too much to just be done with it already.  So I am pacing myself. 
  Back to traveling, so I want to go to Bali as my next adventure, either Bali or Spain.  I would like to do as Elizabeth did and go to Spain to improve my spanish, I love speaking it, but it is a tad rusty.  And I want to learn other languages as well, not sure what, perhaps French... and I also would like to travel along the mediterranean and soak up the sun and eat lots and lots of incredible mediterranean food, my absolute fav!!!!! after being in India, I have affirmed that I really actually do not like Indian food, I am not a fan of spicy food as I in fact like to actually be able to taste my food, not ruin my taste buds so that the rest of the meal is extremely hot and tasteless.  I do enjoy naan.... and an okra dish that I had, and then happily replicated myself!! those are about the only two things I do like. 
  Anywayzzzzzzzzzz so now that I have totally rambled away (I hope I was at least mildly entertaining today) I am going to go make my makeshift bed aka sofa and read until I fall asleep.  Then dream away about traveling the world and eating scrumdidlyumtious food!!!



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