Friday, July 9, 2010

A wee bit of homesickness

Today was a downtime day, which I am rather glad we had since I am feeling a bit sick.  We began today with a short language lesson and then a few people went off to a Hindu Temple, while the rest of us stayed back and took it easy, reading, sleeping etc...
  Towards the end of yesterday I had started feeling a bit sick to my stomach, then today I had  a bit of headache, and slightly nauseous.  Since I am only drinking bottled water as well as brushing my teeth with bottled water I am assuming that this must be due to the heat or the food.  So since I am feeling a bit sick today, it has also made me a bit homesick :-(  first day though of feeling homesick so that's a plus! since it has been 6 days since I got here.  We were watching some "pimp my ride" show (a show where they take an old beaten up car and fix it all up to be a really decked out car) which was called "West Coast Customs" and the American accents and the lingo and well just the show in general really made me miss home.  I honestly never thought I would ever say that about home, but there it is, I said it, I actually miss America!
   Today was unbelievably hot and I only just went outside  at 9pm to go to the market to get some more water.  I have found that most of my money is going towards bottles of water, at least they have recycling here!!   We only have ceiling fans in the apartment and normally it stays fairly cool when sitting under the fans, but today no matter where you were sitting it was just uncomfortable.  I am determined to find myself one of those portable battery operated fans that i can walk around with and have it blowing in my face.
  Tomorrow I am going over to Jim's house to do laundry, and while waiting for it to dry perhaps tour around that area of town.  I am assuming he has air conditioning, so that will also be really nice to have.  A lot of the stores around here do have air conditioning and it's always sooo lovely once you walk inside, I find myself often browsing around a little bit longer just to stay inside where its cool.
  Anyways, I am going to sign off now and go lay down and see if I can trick my body into thinking that in fact it actually really cold in my room!! HAH! cross your fingers that this mind trick works guys :-)

  Subha Raatri :-)

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