Monday, July 5, 2010

Learning new terminology

 Namaste everyone!  It is interesting to be around a mix of people from all over the globe and see the differences in terminology.  We have all come to this amusing realization while having conversations... although usually I am the person going "wait... what?? your hanging out for a coffee?"  Well in New Zealand "hanging out" means to crave or desire something.  There are many other amusing differences between our cultures which comes out every day, very cool indeed.
  Today two more girls arrived, one from Australia and one from Scotland.  Such a diverse house!!  Today was a lot of just sitting around, rather boring, we had our introduction to India, got the history of India then a quick language lesson of greetings.  However, I wasn't feeling too well, rather nauseous... not sure why maybe it was the food or just getting used to it being so hot and humid all the time and no air conditioning.  I am feeling much better now though thank god. 
  Not a whole lot to say about today since it was fairly low key.  Tomorrow we have another language lesson, then we get to go explore and maybe take in a Bollywood movie.  I keep pushing to take a dance class, but that may have to wait until we move from here into Delhi to our post.  Also, tomorrow a few of us are going to get pampered :-)  we found a lovely spa near us and with how cheap everything is.... we are soooo getting massages and pedicures!! after having been in transit for 3 days and with how nasty the streets are and that we walk everywhere.... our feet need some TLC as well.  My left shoulder right now is pinching and I have no idea why, so I am very much looking forward to getting pampered at a really nice spa for insanely cheap price.
   Oh oh... so something that is also interesting is seeing all of these Indian TV shows, for example right now Indian Idol is on and wow..... oh so different!  Also, the Indian soap operas are hysterical, granted so are American ones, just very different, hard to explain. 
   So that is all for today

   Subha Raatri :-)  (aka Good Night)

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